How to improve leadership skills and demonstrate leadership

Learn to develop your leadership skills in this article, where we explore examples and tips on how to become a great leader.


Leadership skills are essential for anyone who wants to achieve success in business or their career. The good news is that effective leadership is a skill that can be learned – and we are here to guide you on this journey.

We will explore various elements of leadership, such as communication, delegation, and motivation, and discuss how improving these skills will benefit you in the long run. Continue reading to understand why these skills make you an effective manager and enable you to achieve your goals more quickly, among other benefits.

What are leadership skills?

So, what are leadership skills? These are the abilities and qualities that inspire, motivate, and guide others. Leadership skills are essential for anyone in a leadership role, whether in the workplace, school, or community.

Many skills contribute to effective leadership – from delegating tasks and managing projects to being an excellent communicator. Let’s explore some key leadership skills you should know about.

Six examples of leadership skills

Depending on who you ask, the answer to the question “What is Leadership?” can vary. Many people might initially think of qualities such as confidence, decisiveness, and charisma, but being a leader encompasses much more than just these traits. Here are some common leadership qualities:

1. Strategic thinking

You can enhance your strategic thinking skills to improve how you set priorities, make decisions, and allocate resources effectively. A leader needs to consider the broader impact of their choices and ensure they positively influence the company’s long-term success.

Leaders must think creatively, understand how issues develop, and evaluate all possible outcomes of their decisions. They should have a clear grasp of their organization’s strengths and weaknesses and be quick to identify opportunities and threats.

This involves collecting data and regularly performing SWOT analyses. Data-driven leadership is essential for strategic thinking because it helps leaders make well-informed decisions based on evidence rather than just instincts.

Moreover, it enables leaders to adapt their strategies as new data comes in. To learn more about Data-Driven Leadership Skills, check out the microcredential offered by the University of Glasgow.

2. Delegating tasks

In any leadership role, effective task delegation is crucial for optimizing time and resources. Delegating involves assigning specific tasks or projects to others, which can help a leader focus on other priorities, balance the workload, and support the development of team members’ skills.

When delegating, it’s essential to clearly communicate expectations, provide the necessary resources, and set a reasonable deadline. Regularly checking in with both individuals and teams helps ensure they’re progressing as planned and have the support they need. This approach allows you to assess if the tasks are manageable and make adjustments if more resources or time are required.

Addressing difficulties promptly can prevent stress and maintain team morale. Discover more about the relationship between workplace stress and productivity in our Workplace Wellbeing course. Properly executed, task delegation can be a powerful leadership tool.

3. Change management

Leaders play a crucial role in managing change within their organizations. Change management involves planning, executing, and monitoring changes to achieve organizational objectives.

The process typically includes several steps: evaluating the need for change, creating a plan, assigning tasks, and setting deadlines. For accredited, professional training, consider our Change Management microcredential from the University of Glasgow.

Effective change management often requires agile leadership. This leadership style emphasizes adaptability, flexibility, and rapid decision-making, inspired by agile software development principles that stress collaboration, ongoing learning, and responsiveness to feedback.

In an agile organization, leaders must swiftly adapt to market changes and make quick decisions. To enhance your skills in this area, explore the Agile Leadership and Management course offered by The Open University and Agile Business Consortium.

4. Interpersonal skills

Interpersonal communication is a key component of effective leadership. These skills involve how leaders interact with and influence others, encompassing both verbal and nonverbal communication as well as relationship-building.

Top leaders excel at using these skills to motivate, inspire, and persuade their teams. Understanding organizational behavior—the study of how people act within organizations—can enhance these abilities.

Mastering interpersonal communication is crucial for creating a positive work environment and motivating employees to work towards shared goals. Learn more about organizational behavior and interpersonal skills in our Organisational Behaviour and Leadership Skills course by Sentinel9.

Although some individuals naturally possess strong interpersonal skills, they can also be developed and refined over time. To become an effective leader, focus on honing these essential skills.

5. Management skills

This refers to the capability to plan, organize, direct, and manage resources and personnel to achieve specific objectives. An effective manager utilizes these skills to deliver the desired outcomes.

Planning is one of the most critical management skills. It involves setting clear goals and objectives and then crafting a plan to reach them. Once the plan is implemented, it’s essential to monitor progress and adjust as needed.

Organizational skills are also vital for successful management. This includes creating systems and procedures that ensure smooth operations. Strong organizational skills help manage various tasks and keep everyone aligned with the objectives.

To learn more about essential management skills, check out our blog post for valuable tips on becoming a successful manager.

6. Communication skills

Effective leaders excel in communication, conveying their messages clearly and succinctly. They understand the impact of body language and tone of voice, and they are skilled listeners.

Strong communication skills are crucial for leadership, as they facilitate motivating team members and building relationships with stakeholders. Leaders who excel in communication are often more successful.

Improving your communication skills can be achieved in several ways. Practice active listening by fully engaging with what others are saying and striving to understand their perspectives. Preparing your key points in advance can also help you express yourself clearly and concisely.

Enhancing your communication abilities will make you a more effective leader. Explore and develop your communication and soft skills further with our Business Etiquette course from Central Queensland University.

The difference between leadership and management skills

Leadership and management skills are frequently used interchangeably, but they encompass distinct roles. Leadership skills are centered on inspiring and motivating people towards a common goal. This involves setting a clear vision, communicating it effectively, and rallying individuals to work together to achieve it.

On the other hand, management skills are concerned with planning, organizing, and coordinating resources. Effective management ensures that goals are met efficiently and systematically.

Both sets of skills are crucial for the successful operation of any organization. Recognizing the differences between leadership and management can help you maximize your effectiveness in each role.

Why is it good to have effective leadership skills?

Effective leadership skills are crucial for several reasons. They ensure that an organization meets its objectives and help individuals reach their full potential, both professionally and personally.

Strong leadership is vital for aligning everyone towards common goals. Good leaders inspire and motivate their teams, helping them navigate challenges and enhancing productivity and morale.

Effective leaders excel in problem-solving and decision-making, which helps prevent crises. To refine your decision-making skills, consider exploring our Leadership Decision Making course.

Moreover, leadership skills are valuable life skills applicable in various personal situations. These skills can assist in conflict resolution, stress management, clear communication, decision-making, and goal-setting.

Enhancing your leadership abilities can significantly improve various aspects of your life, from personal relationships to overall fulfillment.

A word on leadership and imposter syndrome

Sometimes, individuals may find themselves in a leadership role with a small team but feel they lack the necessary leadership skills. This often relates to imposter syndrome.

Imposter syndrome occurs when someone feels they don’t truly belong in their role due to perceived inadequacies in experience or skills. It’s essentially a feeling of being out of one’s depth, and it’s something many people experience at various points in their careers.

Six ways to improve your leadership skills

Here are a few suggestions to get you on the path to becoming a better leader:

1. Identify your strengths and weaknesses

Identifying your own strengths and weaknesses can be challenging, as we often have blind spots regarding our capabilities. However, gaining this self-awareness is crucial for personal growth.

Start by listing both your strengths and weaknesses in detail. To gain a more accurate perspective, seek feedback from others, as self-assessment can be quite subjective.

Keeping a journal to document your successes and setbacks can also be helpful. Regularly reviewing these notes will provide better insights into your abilities and help you leverage your talents more effectively.

2. Take management and leadership courses

One of the most effective ways to enhance your leadership skills is by enrolling in online courses that offer valuable knowledge and training. These courses not only build your leadership abilities but also provide opportunities to connect with other professionals.

Whether you opt for online or in-person courses, it’s important to select programs that are reputable and accredited. Numerous management and leadership courses are available, and platforms like Futurelearn ensure you receive high-quality education from respected institutions.

Additionally, our courses offer the advantage of earning certificates that can aid in advancing your career. You can study at your own pace and complete the coursework according to your schedule.

If your goals include an international perspective, consider courses that provide a global focus.

3. Brush up on your hard skills

Technical skills are becoming more crucial in today’s world, making it important for leaders to have a solid understanding of industry-specific competencies.

Skills such as financial analysis, project management, and contract management are key examples, though their relevance can vary widely depending on your field. If you’re uncertain about which technical skills are most pertinent to your industry, seek advice from your supervisor or a mentor.

4. Find a mentor

A mentor can offer valuable guidance, support, and advice during critical times. They also assist in deepening your understanding of yourself and your objectives.

When selecting a mentor, aim for someone with substantial experience and a strong reputation as a leader, as their example will be highly instructive. Choose a mentor who is honest and provides constructive feedback.

Your mentor could be an inspiring professor, a demanding boss, or even a local business owner you know well.

It’s also crucial to pick someone you feel comfortable with, as a strong, trusting relationship is essential. Once you have a mentor, ensure to meet with them regularly and be open to learning from their insights.

5. Determine your goals

As a leader, having a clear vision for your team is crucial. Without it, making decisions and providing direction can be challenging.

Start by defining your short-term and long-term goals. Develop a detailed plan by setting objectives that are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART).

Consider your team’s skills and abilities when setting these goals to ensure they align with their capabilities and the overall strategy of your organization.

Once your goals or strategy are established, communicate them effectively to your team. Sharing your vision will inspire and motivate them to work towards a common purpose. Clear communication ensures everyone is aligned and focused on achieving the same objectives.

6. Admit when you fail and move on

Everyone makes mistakes, and as a leader, it’s crucial to acknowledge and learn from them. Admitting when you’ve failed demonstrates to your team that you’re human and open to growth. Taking responsibility helps build trust and credibility within your team.

Treat your failures as opportunities for improvement. Reflect on what went wrong to identify areas for enhancement and adjust your approach accordingly. By sharing your insights and learnings with your team, you foster a culture of continuous learning and development.

How do you demonstrate leadership skills

If you’re aiming for a spot at the management table, decision-makers will be evaluating your leadership skills to determine if you’re ready for the next promotion. But how can you demonstrate leadership abilities when you’re not yet in a formal leadership role?

You don’t need to issue commands or adopt a managerial attitude. Leadership involves much more than giving orders. Instead, focus on showcasing these key leadership skills:

  • Offering assistance to colleagues facing challenges
  • Providing support and encouragement
  • Recognizing and praising good work
  • Acknowledging others’ contributions
  • Showing empathy towards those with difficult tasks
  • Communicating effectively
  • Working to boost team morale during tough times

You don’t need to create a managerial persona to make an impact. Simply being a proactive and supportive colleague can highlight your leadership qualities. When the time for an interview arrives, you’ll have plenty of real-life examples of your leadership skills, some of which your interviewers may have witnessed firsthand.

Final Words

Leadership is a multifaceted concept. Whether it’s setting goals or acknowledging mistakes, there are numerous ways to enhance your leadership abilities. Remember, there isn’t a single formula for effective leadership. It’s a continuous process of self-development that requires introspection, time, and dedication.

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